Battle of Britain – 70 years on
The battle in graphic form, in last weekend's Sunday Telegraph's Battle of Britain eight page supplement, which I hope to post this week
So rare these days to work on projects, time to think, time to develop
Over a week or two, Stefan Bayley and Ciaran Hughes played a blinder with visualising the content, and Fiona Mattias as always, steered the supplement, meticulously
My favorite part?
The daily number of aircraft lost from July 10 to the end of September
This is a lot of aircraft
And in the sky, over the southern coasts of England and initially across the deep channel
Can you imagine witnessing a dog-fight in clear summer skies?
I was walking the dogs this morning, and a Messerschmitt Me 109e idled above the Chiltern Valley, where I live
Great engines roaring
Imagine multiplying this by at least 100, and imagine the sounds of break-neck speed Me 109e and the British Spitfire – aircraft and each pilot with two aims – to kill and to survive
Is it impossible to "imagine you are there" with infographics? Whether we produce a more data/information driven, with illustration, or more decorative work with the added bonus of a annotated map – can our reader/viewer imagine themselves in the picture?
Maybe as children they can, adults maybe not
But the power off illustration goes along way in evoking these emotions
Although the infographic industry has grown and developed great analysts, visual reporters and chart divas, let us not forget the power of illustration
We contacted well known manufacturer of air-fix kits, and fortunately managed to manipulate a great image, to edit and show what we thought would benefit the page
Does it matter from where the visuals come?
Use what you can find
Make phone calls, and send emails
Show the story
Excellent graphic - full of data, easy to read, love the illustrations