Britain's Boom to Bust
Ed Conway, the Telegraph's economics editor, talks us through Britain's boom and bust using eight key graphs – savings, GDP the FTSE and unemployment to name but a few
These graphs, with the aid of audio narrative, give key insight to the UK economy
Importantly, Conway talks to the graphs
The data
The visual facts
Without these key visual facts, it would be hard for the viewer/reader/listener to follow and be able to quantify the report
David Kinross built this excellent interactive
I think it is the first time at Telegraph.co.uk we have used such AS scripting to combine audio and information graphics to show and explain news and comment
But designed in a crisp, intellectual way
Minimal design
Maximum information
Information caviar
David Kinross has supplied some hot technical background for the coding involved in producing the interactive... many thanks David
Stuff used in the code
All Tweens are done using open source Tweenlite library.
Build the MP3 player using these 3 native AS3 classes
Sound Transform
Sound Channel
MS excel to XML conversion
The XML feeds which the flash file runs off where generated using PC freeware 'toXML'
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