Jaro visualises Malofiej18
Fantastic illustrator from Berlin Jaroslaw Kaschtalinski, has captured his memories of the Show Don't Tell with John Grimwade and Juan Velasco, and the Malofiej Infographics World Summit in Pamplona from earlier this month
Check out his website http://dub99.com/
Jaro is a world class illustrator, who also produces animation, character design, story boarding and game development. He now works for the awarding winning über communication design group Kircher-Burkhardt
My Creative Director at the Telegraph, Himesh Patel and I met Jaro in the Jumping Jester, and then at the conference. He's a great guy who can't stand still. So many ideas and always wanting to create and draw
Yes draw
He's a great guy, and was a real pleasure to meet him in Spain
Check him out!
Illustration Caviar
Sums up Malofiej very well, excellent