Chilean miners trapped in San Jose mine: latest infographics from Sunday newspapers
The Independent on Sunday eschewed the trend for "rock textures" to give a stylised guide to the rescue. Informative, and designed to work with the page, the "yellow brick road" approach offers quite a lot of bite-sized information in a small space. Also important to note the reappearance of Glenn Swan's byline in the press.
Good luck Glenn
Second, Fleet Street's behemoth the Sunday Times takes perspective of the "journey to the surface". Its great. Rigorous and nicely rendered with very 'agreeable' illustrative details
Last, the Sunday Telegraph went 'balls-out' with information and attention to the details. It very much feels like a graphic you want to spent some time with. Even better with a pint on a lazy Sunday afternoon. This example also marks the return of Richard Burgess to the Telegraph group
It would be great to see examples from Spain, Latin America etc...
Please forward on
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