Online explanations for the airbus crash
Well not explanations, but visual reporting
I don't know how old these infographics are, but they seem to do the job
But they are distant
They seem to be removed from the location, albeit we do not know where the aircraft came down
Surely the BBC has the better explanation at this point in time, than el Pais in Spain, and O Globo in Brazil. I could not get onto the Le Monde site, I guess over-subscribed
Although there is something simple, but interesting from Chiqui Esteban, the 'new narratives director' of lainformacion.com
But I'd like to know more about the storm
And how frequent are they at this time of year
Where are the diagrams of the dimensions of the craft, compared to other transatlantic carriers? So many questions...
Not pointing my finger, but thinking aloud
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